Saturday, January 26, 2019

Why the Sparrow?

"Even the sparrow has found a home..." Psalm 84:3

My favorite creatures which God has made always seem to be birds. But particularity the Sparrow (Tree Sparrow) has a special place in my heart. They are an animal I always stop to admire to see. They are a bird who sing so beautifully to me, I imagine they are either singing to their mate or to the Lord.

Now why did I chose Beloved + His Sparrow as my blog page name? Well it took me months and months to come up with a name for my blog. The names I would think of were all taken. I was becoming frustrated because nothing was coming to mind. Then one night as I was talking with God asking Him to give me a name, when suddenly it appeared to me.

I must tell this story to finish explaining why I chose this name. Or better yet why God put this name in my head.

About three springs ago I noticed a male sparrow singing on the edge of my roof. I could see him from my bedroom window which is in the front of the house. Being a lover of birds when I would hear him sing I would stop whatever I was doing and go to the window and watch him. Many times I wouldn't stop watching him until he flew away.

He sang everyday on the same spot on my roof for over a week. Then summer was approaching and he was still coming out to the same spot. I even began to take pictures of him on my phone when I had the chance. 

Until on a hot late Saturday afternoon I was outside with my family. We were sitting in front of our opened garage when we all heard the singing of a bird. It  was the same male sparrow singing on the top of his lungs. I told my father about how this same bird comes to sings everyday on our roof. Then my dad stated, male birds usually sing around the same areas because they have a nest near by. 
With that fact I became even more excited this male sparrow has a little family close by.

Well a few nights later I heard what sounded like a scratching noise in my room and it sounded as it was coming from inside my roof. I wasn't thinking much of it and I wasn't spooked by it either it only lasted for a few minutes than the noise stopped. This would happen almost every night.

I now pay more attention to the sparrow knowing he has a nest. I began to noticed the sparrow would fly towards my window and the realization hit me, the sparrow has his nest in my roof. Of course, there a space in my roof which birds can get into. I also remember pigeons had nested in there too I just completely forgot about it. The scratching noise was him and his nest.  I become even more excited to have a nest in my roof right above my room. I felt so honor they made their home inside of mine.

A few weeks later not only did I see the male sparrow but the female sparrow began to appear. Which meant her babies were big enough and she could now find food for them too. From time to time I would see her flying to her nest with bugs in her beak. 

But just as the middle of summer was coming the sparrows stop showing up. I knew their babies finally grew big enough and left their nest. 

Then the following spring came and the same events occurs. The male sparrow appeared and sang his heart to his nest and once more I heard the scratching noise in my room. I knew babies sparrows were nested right above me. Again I was happy they came back. This time I decide to name them, the male I named him Beloved and the female, Bride. I named after the two lovers from a famous poem written by King Solomon, The Song of Solomon. Which is actually a book from the bible. Its so beautifully tells of these two lovers and how they both describe how lovely the other one is. But many also interpreted as the love of Christ for His church.

Now the third spring came and its 2018. Again Beloved and Bride came back, but this almost had a sad ending. 

Blue jays are known for attacking small birds (including the tree sparrows). Beloved and his Bride have been nested in my roof for a few weeks when one morning I saw a blue jay attacking Beloved. They were on my roof and I try tapping my window hard in hoping it would scared the jay away but instead he chased Beloved around the neighborhood, I had to go to work and I did fear the worst. For a few days I did not see Beloved. I was heartbroken I was thinking this blue jay destroyed his nest.

-Side story:
A family of sparrows had a nest in my backyard on top of a made made wooded structure. We saw three little babies sparrows always popping their heads out whenever their mother and father came by. Then one day they were gone which meant they all grew up. The nest remained there for months on end. Until one day it was on the ground, we knew it wasn't the wind which threw onto the floor. Then my mom said, it was more than likely a blue jay knocked it they are know for destroying nest of other birds. I ended up keeping the nest and it still remains in our dining room.

-Back to the story.
I really thought this blue jay had killed Beloved or Bride. One late spring morning not only did I heard birds singing but I saw Beloved, I also Bride on my roof. I was overwhelmed with joy to see them. For the last few weeks of spring I saw them and before I knew it they were gone again, knowing they have raised another family.

Beloved + His Sparrow.
To me Beloved represent God, and His Sparrow represent us. To me its sounded perfect. How we are His Sparrow and He watches over us. The Tree Sparrow is a beautiful bird and my favorite animal, the sparrow knows it will be taken care, he does not worry where his nest will be or where his next meal will come. Because he knows of the One who will take care of him. 

Beloved doesn't just represent God but it also represent the sparrow who nested in my roof above my room for the past three springs. Who knows if they'll be back this spring, only God knows.

"He is my Beloved and I am His Sparrow. His eyes are forever on me."

          This is a photo I took of the two sparrows who nested in my roof, Beloved and Bride.

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